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Life on the Deckle Edge

Poetry Friday - News From Georgia


Greetings, Poetry Lovers - September has arrived, and in the South, school is in full swing. 


And we are already trying to process another school shooting.  Another horrific, senseless tragedy which has cut lives short and traumatized a community. 


When we lived in North Georgia, Jeff & I  helped with our kids' church youth group and hosted a weekly high school bible study get-together at our house.  One of our regulars was a fun, accomplished, kind, talented young man, an Eagle Scout, who ended up marrying his high school sweetheart (another fun, accomplished, kind and talented young lady in our group). He is now a teacher.  He teaches at Apalachee High School in Winder.  We've gone a few years without seeing them, but we texted Wednesday night.  He had posted early in the day that he and his students were safe.


One of our daughter's former co-workers, a teacher, has a brother who teaches at that school. Our son-in-law works with someone whose good friend is a coach there.  


We are all connected.  We are praying for the Apalachee High School community, for the families whose lives have been shattered. 


Nothing will change until we stop valuing easy access to military-style assault weapons more than we value the lives of our children. 


voting booth

every one

is Superman


Robyn Hood Black


Here are a couple of links if you'd like to explore more on the subject.   The Brady Campaign has been working on gun violence prevention issues for decades, and here's a link to Sandy Hook Promise


The very talented Buffy Silverman has our Roundup this week - thanks, Buffy!

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