Greetings, Poetry Lovers! A sad week for our family, as daughter Morgan and son-in-law Matt had to say goodbye to a very special four-legged family member. I traveled over to visit as he was coming back from a university veterinary hospital after being in and out of the regular vet's office in recent weeks. He had cancer, but with some rare complications. It was heartbreaking to have to say goodbye to a fine dog at age 7.
"That face!" is what my mother, and others, always said about Cooper. Those soulful hound-dog eyes would get you every time. He was a beautiful, quirky boxer mix: a rambunctious puppy, a dignified dog, a tireless tennis ball chaser, a relentless castle defender, a picky eater, a boat captain, a snuggly cuddler when it was his idea, and a devoted member of the family. He will be terribly missed by fellow canine family member Maggie, and of course by all of us humans.
On Wenesday evening we toasted this fine fellow via text, from four different geographical locations. Here's to you, Cooper!
And here's a fun poem I found in Cooper's honor. I didn't know it, but evidently it's a regular in schools in Scotland. The Scots words might seem intimidating at first, but you can catch the drift if you read it through once or twice in a rhythm. The audio at the bottom of the linked page is the way to go - with an adult and child reciting the poem, it's very entertaining. I hope it brings you a smile.
from "A Dug, a Dug"
by Bill Keys
Hey, daddy, wid yi get us a dug?
A big broon alsatian? Ur a wee white pug,
Ur a skinny wee terrier ur a big fat bull.
Aw, daddy. Get us a dug. Wull ye?
N whose dug'll it be when it durties the flerr?
and pees'n the carpet, and messes the sterr?
It's me ur yur mammy'll be taen fur a mug.
Away oot an play. Yur no needin a dug.
Well, now you HAVE to click the link to find our what happens, right?
Find the rest here, and enjoy that audio link at the bottom. It's only a minute and a half long.
And join the talented Elisabeth at Unexpected Intersections for this week's Roundup. Thanks for hosting, Elisabeth!