Student Gallery
Pictures of the Pack
Now that my daughter, Morgan, is a teacher, it's a special treat to know her students enjoy my books in the classroom! While WOLVES is no longer in print, I'm glad to know it's still a hit with young readers. Wolves are captivating animals, regardless of books about them!
One of Morgan's third-graders from a few years ago, Savanna, took a special interest in wolves and made these gorgeous pictures. I appreciate how she not only captured the expression of these wolves but paid attention to details, like the curve of an ear, the direction of fur, and the variations in its shading. I just love these drawings.
Below are some sample works of fourth grade students. Over several days, they went on a "haiku hike" - making observations in their journals - and then wrote, revised, illustrated and published their work poems.
Note how the following two poets began their haiku with the same phrase, but then each shared different observances in the last two lines of their poems. This often occurs in contemporary haiku journals as well. :0)
Fun with the Pack!
and more great work...
Ramsha, second grade, drew this lovely portrait of Luna and me! It makes me smile. (Florida, 2010)
Second-grader Dawson from Florida drew this picture of Sir Mike (2010). See who is hiding behind the bushes?
Pop-up card by Lucas
(Georgia, 2008)
Pop-up card by Sabastian
(Georgia, 2008)
from Cassie
(Georgia, 2009)