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Life on the Deckle Edge

Cedartown, Poem in Your Pocket Day

Elizabeth Dulemba was right: the Cedar Valley Arts Festival folks put on a lovely show! Weather was a bit warm, but so are the organizers. Well done, ladies, and all those countless volunteer hours are for one purpose: to enhance the cultural and arts experiences of the community's youngsters. Bravo!

Tomorrow I'm delighted to be off to South Hall Middle School to enjoy the day with sixth-graders. Media Specialist Laura Losch goes above and beyond the call of duty to make reading fun for the students.  Read More 

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Cedar Valley Arts Festival

I'm looking forward to presenting at the Cedar Valley Arts Festival in Cedartown, Ga. this Saturday, April 25, at 11:30 in the Children's area. The organizers are so enthusiastic about providing cultural and literary opportunities to their community's youngsters. My friend Elizabeth Dulemba - www.dulemba.com - dazzled them last year.
Can't wait! (Link at left)
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Happy Birthday, Juno and Luna!

The two wolves at the Chestatee Wildlife Preserve (www.chestateewildlife.com) are celebrating their first birthday this month. Volunteering with them has been one of the highlights of my life! They teach me something every week.

Happy Birthday, Juno and Luna!

(Click on my WOLVES page to see pictures of them growing up this past year.)

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Celebrate Poetry Month with new books by Lee Bennett Hopkins

Happy National Poetry Month!
Would you believe award-winning poet and anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins has, not one, but THREE brand new books to help you celebrate?

City I Love (Abrams) is a sparkling collection of Lee's own poems, both new and previously published, and all fresh. Illustrator Marcellus Hall provides readers with a tour guide Read More 

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