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Life on the Deckle Edge

Springmingle's Almost Here!

It's my honor to be coordinating the SCBWI Springmingle Conference in Atlanta this weekend for the third year, and it will be my pleasure to hand over the reins to Southern Breezer and fellow critique group member Heather Kolich on Sunday. ;0)

We're expecting 150 or so children's writers, illustrators and publishing professionals to gather for networking, insight and inspiration.  Read More 
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Meet Wolf Author Scotti Cohn!

If you're looking for a wolf book for the younger set, ONE WOLF HOWLS by Scotti Cohn (Sylvan Dell) is hot off the press. Young readers will enjoy learning wolf facts in this counting book featuring rhyming text. Check out Scotti's website with more wolfy stuff and links to wolf websites: http://www.scotticohn.com  Read More 
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For the Birds

Happy Valentine's Day!
This weekend I'm participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count - http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/ . I thought my skills would be pretty good in this area, since I've watched and conversed with birds my whole life.

But actually accurately documenting which ones and how many in a certain time period? Wait -  Read More 
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Debbie Miller and the de Grummond

The SCBWI Nature Writers Workshop with author and Alaskan Debbie Miller, http://www.debbiemilleralaska.com , in Hattiesburg, MS, was wonderful. Debbie's presentations conveyed a sense of life in such amazing country as well as her passion to protect the environment. She's devoted to connecting kids to the natural world.

Workshop attendees also spent time in the exhibit room  Read More 

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