Greetings, Poetry Lovers! I'm finishing up my annual crazy week north of Atlanta doing school author visits, as part of Cobb EMC & Gas South's Literacy Week. More than a dozen authors and illustrators fan out across the region reaching around 20,000 kids. My personal tally this week is more than 2500 students, in 24 presentations. Whew! (It's been fun sharing the new book of Fables I wrote for Core Essential Values with all these young readers & writers.)
So a very short post today, with an even shorter poem. Next week brings us All Saints Day on Wednesday.
This haiku appears in the most recent issue of bottle rockets.
all saints day a trickle of wax
©Robyn Hood Black
bottle rockets, #49. Vol. 25.1, August 2023.
Enjoy all the wonderful poems over at The Apples in My Orchard, where Carol is kindly hosting the Roundup today. Wishing you and yours a fun Halloween, and also comfort as we remember our own "saints" especially missed this time of year.