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Life on the Deckle Edge

Many thanks, South Hall Middle School!

I was thrilled to spend Friday with the sixth graders at South Hall Middle School - my second time at South Hall Middle but my first time in their new location! And my first time with these particular sixth-graders, of course. (My husband actually went to South Hall Middle many moons ago!)

Media Specialist Laura Losch has a great blog, and she was kind enough to share some pictures from Friday's visit - see link in list at left. Read More 
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Shepherds and Writing to Win

The Decatur Book Festival was nothing less than awesome this weekend. I had a great time presenting, and our SCBWI Southern Breeze booth was hopping all weekend!

Hundreds of people dedicated endless hours to make it a success, and I pondered another kind of dedication as parents brought their children by our booth.  Read More 
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Bookzilla alive and well

Greetings from Decatur, Georgia, where I've had entirely too little sleep and entirely too much fun! Details to come, but it's been a great festival so far with enthusiastic crowds and dynamic authors and illustrators.

How fun to meet young wolf enthusiasts who happened by our SCBWI Southern Breeze booth by the children's stage.  Read More 
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