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Life on the Deckle Edge

Poetry Friday - When Life is Overwhelming, Look for Birds....


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  I've missed you as I've ducked in and out these couple-few weeks.  In the midst of all the stress in the news, we've had happy family events to look forward to - a baby shower for daughter Morgan & family last weekend, and a little celebratory lunch for Son Seth & his love that we're hosting on Saturday, after they get married at the courthouse TODAY/Friday!  (They'll have a ceremony and reception in the Spring.) 


I was among those who met late Tuesday evening and early Wednesday morning with numbness and a bit of despair.  I texted with a few friends, and there were lots of messages with hubby Jeff's sibling group.  What struck me was that it seemed to be the impulse of several folks to respond to this state of overwhelm with... poetry.  Tuesday night as results started rolling in, my sister-in-law Patti shared "Holding Vigil" by Alison Luterman, written in response to the experience, I believe.  Among the poems ending up in text messages the next morning were "The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry, a favorite among our PF folks. Jeff shared a post on social media by Chelan Harkin that started with, "It's when the earth shakes...." Other folks sent spiritual passages that read as a mix of poetry and prose. 


I wanted to post something on Facebook, but nothing I could come up with myself seemed right, or appropriate. Then I ran across Janet Wong's post, where she shared her wonderful poem, "Looking for Birds," and it resonated with the feelings and tone I wanted to share.  So I shared the post and asked if I could share the poem again here today.  It's from the wonderful Pomelo Books collection, HOP TO IT. Janet and Syliva Vardell are the power team behind that publishing venture, and several of us are lucky to have poems in those anthologies.  I love how a poem, originally conjured up with a certain topic or sensibility in mind, can also meet another experience not dreamed of when it was originally penned. 



Look for Birds


It could be worse. 

It is worse 


for someone.


Today will blend into tomorrow.

Tomorrow will become next week.

Everything happening now

will become just one page


in a history book

in a hundred years.


Let's look out the window.

Come, let's look for birds.



©Janet Wong


I suppose one reason I took this poem to heart on this occasion was that Wednesday morning, I took my dog Rookie on his usual walk.  I realized that for him, nothing had changed.  He was immersed in whatever smells, sounds, sights and tracks caught his attention in the moment. It was okay for me to just be on a walk for a few minutes, noticing the natural world.  (And Rookie's used to my stopping now and then to try to see some woodpecker I've just heard, or to try to suss out what bird made some unusual call.) 


In a few lines, Janet's poem helped me take a breath and a brief big-picture break.  But more importantly, it helped me remember that implications from this election might have a much more dire impact on people more vulnerable than myself, particularly those who weren't born here, those whose gender identities bother or frighten some people, and my daughter, daughter-in-law, and soon-to-be-born granddaughter, and all women in those generations. All younger folks, of course, when one thinks of the climate crisis. And then we must think about the rest of the world - those in Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan ... and all countries, really.


Back to the poem. Take comfort from the woods and from birdsong, we must.  Simply noticing can make us grateful and more calm.  But we can't stay on our wooded paths, or behind a window, indefinitely.  Others need us to look out for them, too.


 At Merely Day by Day, you'll find a powerful original poem by Cathy on this topic, and you'll find the whole Roundup.  Thank you, Cathy, for hosting this week. And many thanks to Janet for letting me share her poem! 


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The Kidlit 2004 Progressive Poem Parks HERE today!


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  Welcome to the next-to-the-last day of the 2024 Kidlit Progressive Poem.  Thanks to Irene Latham for beginning this communal adventure years ago, and thanks to Margaret Simon who coordinates it now. 


This year's poem is unlike others we've had in the past.  Each poet is contributing a couplet rather than a single line, and the subject and theme are tied to realities that are timely, important, and fraught for people living through them.


We've come to care for our young narrator and the narrator's brother, worrying for them and wishing them success as they make their way with a group to the border. I've been a bit apprehensive about contributing my line(s).  I've known a couple of migrant families over the years, but I don't know anyone going through this now, and I don't have time to do the deep research I would attempt if I were writing something about migrant families myself.  I watch the news and pray for those seeking asylum, for those who weren't born into the same opportunities I was.


I must confess I'm not entirely sure which side of the border our children are on here at the end of the poem.  In my reading, they haven't yet crossed the border into the US (assuming the US is the final destination), but have found a freindly village to wait in? 


The end of this poem could go in more than one direction.  It wouldn't be unrealistic to leave everything unresolved, and leave our young travelers wanting.  Real children experience this, and families might wait for years before moving on. Also, I wasn't exactly sure how to continue the involvement of a beloved uncle recently introduced and spotlighted in yesterday's lines from Dave.  Whichever side of the border the children are on, Tío is on the other side. An uncle in the US can't sponsor nieces or nephews, but perhaps he can visit family members waiting in a village across the border?


I'm not sure.  But the "yet" in a previous line offers a tiny shaft of light.  It's my own bent to leave a bit of hope in any writing for kids, so, while acknowledging that many children suffer in this process of seeking a new life in a place far from home, I want to continue in a positive vein for our poem's characters. (My lines are in bold.)



Cradled in stars, our planet sleeps,

Clinging to tender dreams of peace

Sister moon watches from afar,

Singing lunar lullabies of hope.


Almost dawn, I walk with others,

Keeping close, my little brother.

Hand in hand, we carry courage

escaping closer to the border


My feet are lightning;

My heart is thunder.

Our pace draws us closer

To a new land of wonder.


I bristle against rough brush—

Poppies ahead brighten the browns.

Morning light won't stay away—

Hearts jump at every sound.


I hum my own little song

Like ripples in a stream

Humming Mami's lullaby

Reminds me I have her letter


My fingers linger on well-worn creases,

Shielding an address, a name, a promise–

Sister Moon will find always us

Surrounding us with beams of kindness


But last night as we rested in the dusty field,

Worries crept in about matters back home.

I huddled close to my brother. Tears revealed

The no-choice need to escape.  I feel grown.


Leaving all I've ever known

The tender, heavy, harsh of home.

On to maybes, on to dreams,

On to whispers we hope could be.


But I don't want to whisper! I squeeze Manu's hand.

"¡Más cerca ahora!" Our feet pound the sand.

We race, we pant, we lean on each other

I open my canteen and drink gratefully


Thirst is slaked, but I know we'll need

More than water to achieve our dreams.

Nights pass slowly, but days call for speed

Through the highs and the lows, we live with extremes


 We enter a village the one from Mami's letter,

 We find the steeple; food, kindly people, and shelter.

 "We made it, Manu! Mami would be so proud!"

 I choke back a sob, then stand tall for the crowd.


A slapping of sandals… I wake to the sound

Of ¡GOL! Manu's playing! The fútbol rebounds.

I pinch myself. Can this be true?

Are we safe at last? Is our journey through?


I savor this safety, we're enveloped with care,

but Tío across the border, still seems far as stars.

He could not yet come to this new place

But Hermana moon, kiss his tear-stained face


¿Dónde está mi querido Tío? (Where is my Dear Uncle?)

¡Mi corazón está muy frío! (My heart is very cold)

Emerging from clouds, the sun warms my back.

A deep voice calls; Manu freezes and I spin around.  



In addition to providing those heart-touching lines in Spanish, Dave also updated the list of participants and links  in his post.  Thanks, Dave!  

Here are the folks participating this year, without the hyperlinks. (Sorry – been out of town at a conference and under a tight deadline.)


April 1 – Patricia Franz at Reverie 

April 2 – Jone at Jone Rush MacCulloch  

April 3  – Janice at Salt City Verse 

April 4 – Leigh Anne at A Day in the Life 

April 5 – Irene at Live Your Poem 

April 6 – Margaret at Reflections on the Teche 

April 7 – Marcie at Marcie Atkins 

April 8 – Ruth at There is No Such Thing as a God-forsaken Town 

April 9 – Karen at Karen's Got a Blog

April 10 – Linda at Teacher Dance 

April 11 – Buffy at Buffy Silverman 

April 12 – Linda at  A Word Edgewise 

April 13 – Denise at Dare to Care 

April 14 – Carol at Beyond Literacy Link 

April 15 – Rose at Imagine the Possibilities 

April 16 – Sarah Grace at Sarah Grace Tuttle 

April 17 – Heidi at my juicy little universe 

April 18 – Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference 

April 19 – Catherine at Reading to the Core 

April 20 – Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect 

April 21 – Janet, hosted at Reflections on the Teche 

April 22 – Mary Lee  at A(nother) Year of Reading 

April 23 – Tanita at (fiction, instead of lies) 

April 24 – Molly at Nix the Comfort Zone 

April 25 – Rest 

April 26 – Karin at Still in Awe

 April 27 – Donna at Mainely Write 

April 28 – Dave at Leap of Dave 

April 29 – Robyn at Life on the Deckle Edge 

April 30 – Michelle at More Art for All


I am grateful to hand off the poem to Michelle Kogan for its ending.  Through Poetry Friday and poem swaps in recent years, I've come to appreciate how Michelle's words and art are full of thoughtfulness, compassion, a sense of justice, and pleas for peace.  Take it away, Michelle, and thank you!

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Poetry Friday - Bonjour! April in Paris; Olympics in Paris...


Greetings, Poetry Lovers! Bonjour, Mes Amis.


It's almost Poetry Month!  And almost April in Paris… Sigh. I've not (yet) been in person.  And – the Paris Olympics are right around the corner. 


Pardon my French (it's been a few decades), but my thoughts are turning Français this week.  And items in my Etsy shop, too. (Click here to apply a shop-wide coupon code for Poetry Month if interested.)


I found a fun blog called "Snippets of Paris" with some thoughts about children and poetry there. 


And this gem below from Rosemonde Gérard (Louise-Rose-Étiennette Gérard, 1871-1953.) It's a New Year's poem, but since "our" calendar generally had the New Year starting in March until the 16th Century, I say it counts.  (You can learn more about that here.)



Bonne année à toutes les choses,
Au monde, à la mer, aux forêts,
Bonne année à toutes les roses,
Que l'hiver prépare en secret.

Bonne année à tous ceux qui m'aiment,
Et qui m'entendent ici-bas,
Et bonne année aussi, quand même,
A tous ceux qui ne m'aiment pas.

Here's the Enlish translation, compiled from various sites including the one above, but with a correction/tweak of mine, too.



Happy New Year to all things,
To the world, to the sea, to the forests,
Happy New Year to all roses,
That winter prepares in secret.

Happy New Year to all who love me,
And who hear me down here,
And happy new year too, anyway,
To all those who don't love me.


I just adore those last lines.  Our world could use more of that perspective for sure.


The author was a playwright as well as a poet, overshadowed somewhat by her husband, Edmond Rostand, author of Cyrano de Bergerac.  She was the granddaughter of a French prime minister.


Until this week, I didn't know she was also the author of lines that have run through my husband's family, and between my husband and me, for decades and decades. 


"More than yesterday, less than tomorrow."


Perhaps you're familiar with that sentiment, too?


Gérard wrote, in 1889 in a poem to her husband,


Car, vois-tu, chaque jour je t'aime davantage,

Aujourd'hui plus qu'hier et bien moins que demain.


While the poem was not immediately popular, the phrase was made so by a jeweler in the early 1900s.  He created medallions with mathematical signs replacing the words for "more" and "less."  These jewelry items became beloved tokens.  You can read more about all that here.  


You can still find the phrase on trinkets today. A few years ago, I found nice quality tags engraved with "Je t'aime plus qu'hier moins que demain" from a jewelry supplier, and I make bookmarks with these for my shop. Folks like them!  Of course, the first one I made was for my hubby, Jeff.


If you're a history buff, but sports are more your thing than jewelry, head over to this link. The second incarnation of the Olympics (our modern games) was first hosted in Paris in 1900, and France has hosted them four more times since then.  (It wasn't really called the Olympics, but had a long, boring name. The months-long event, however, kicked off the modern Olympics era.)


And since it's technically still Women's History Month, let's raise a glass to the fact that those games included women athletes for the first time!


As of this Poetry Friday, there are 118 days until the start of the Olympic Games and 151 days until the start of the Paralympic Games.  Go, Athletes, from all countries represented!!  Of course, over here we'll be cheering on Team USA, but I wish the best for "all who love (us)" and "all who don't love (us)." I pray for a peaceful gathering, spirited competition, and comradery.  Oh, and for lots of pretty blooms in Paris this April.


Now, vous allez over to The Miss Rumphius Effect, where Tricia has our Roundup and is sure to get us started on the write poetic foot for April. 

Be sure to consult Jama's big Roundup of the Kidlit Poetry Month events here!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate, and blessings to all.

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Poetry Friday - Poem Swap Gifts from Denise Krebs


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  Here we are at the doorstep of Christmas, and this week I received the most wonderful group of poems and gifts from the multitalented and generous Denise Krebs. We both participated in the magic that is the Winter Poem Swap, spearheaded by the also ever-generous and talented Tabatha Yeatts .


When I opened my box, my eyes were not dry for long.  Denise had taken the time to peruse my blog and celebrate some of the highlights of my fall, including a 7-mile round-trip hike with my hubby to the top of Table Rock here, where he proposed exactly 40 years ago in September.  She also captured the spirit of life with our new puppy, Rookie, a Keeshond who is growing by leaps and bounds, emphasis on the leaps and the bounds. These surprises took the shape of items in a handmade "Make it Merry" Christmas journal, full of pockets, hidden bookmarks, a tatted ornament, and such, and lots of blank pages among the decorated ones. In addition to these oh-so-personal touches, Denise gifted me more beautiful pieces of her handiwork - gorgeous dish towels with crocheted tops, and matching pot holders/mats with a couple of different kinds of stitching.  In our mostly darker kitchen, I  have just a few hints of teal peeking out and these are perfect.  Also, it was time for a refresh over here, so these are more than welcome!


The Poetry Friday community has helped sustain me for years, inspiring me and dazzling me with people I'd love to have long chats over tea with, if we lived closer.  Like many of you, I've had the good fortune to share real space with some folks from time to time.  But what I love about PF is that distance doesn't matter.  Denise and I are across the country from each other.  And, new folks are always welcome to pull up a chair and bring more poetry love to the gracious Poetry Friday table!


Thank you, Denise, for flooring me with your attention to detail in these wonderful gifts.  


Here are the poems she brightened my day with.


First, a pantoum (a pantoum!) celebrating Rookie, who was very excited to star in a poem:




by Denise Krebs


the Rookie of the year is here

at times life is in a puproar

toddler chews and chases tails

he makes hearts merry


at times life is in a puproar

potty training and car trips

he makes hearts merry

doggy academy at PetCo


potty training and car trips

yearns to meet more puppy pals

doggy academy at PetCo

neighborhood scouting strolls


yearns to meet more puppy pals

will we ever sleep again?

neighborhood scouting strolls

love in a four-legged bundle


will we ever sleep again?

toddler chews and chases tails

love in a four-legged bundle

the Rookie of the year is here



And, honoring our celebratory hike, a haiku:



table rock speaks

horizon of peace

life-hope is here


Denise Krebs


What a special way to remember that day!


And this year.  Thank you again, Denise, and wishing all of you fond remembrances as you gather for the holidays and inspirations as you look toward 2024.  We are feeling very blessed to have family coming and going over the next couple of weeks, so I'll see you on Jan. 5!


Our amazing Jone Rush MacCulloch has the Roundup this week, leading us in a celebration of the Solstice - Thank you, Jone!

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Poetry Friday - Holiday Puproar


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  Can you believe it's December already?  I can't, though we were fortunate to have our family together for a wonderful Thanksgiving visit.


My days have been starting way too early and all running together lately with pup-wrangling.  We've had our new wee beastie, a Keeshond, for about four weeks now, and he just turned five months old on Thursday.  We already love him to pieces, and he loves chewing things into pieces.  ;0)  He's getting the hang of things (house training, short walks seeing other doggies, etc., car trips...), and I've got him in a puppy class at PetCo.  My daughter Morgan, who is home with 17-month-old Sawyer, and I have been comparing days!


Though we're taking this fella out in the back yard for house training, the process reminded me of a silly poem I wrote a gazillion years ago. (Maybe not quite that long, but it's been a while.)



I Paper-trained my Puppy


I paper-trained my puppy -
he reads The New York Times.
He starts at the beginning:
the news, the views, the crimes.


Then he reads the comics,
while rolling on the floor.
He moves on to the book reviews,
the fashion, arts, and more.


After that he grabs a pen
and holds it with his muzzle.
He won't get up until he's done
the daily crossword puzzle.


I paper-trained my puppy.
I made one small mistake.
The puddle in the corner
is looking like a lake.


©Robyn Hood Black. All rights reserved.


Usually at this time of year I'm up to my ears in Etsy orders. This year has been a little different, as with moving several months ago, traveling this fall, the new pup, and my general taking-a-while-to-get-my-act-together-in-a-new-place, I haven't done my customary making of a bunch of new things and marketing!  I've had to accept that some years I'm more together than others. 


I'm still happily shipping out orders, but I'm expecting to be up and running from my new studio full swing after the holidays instead of before.  Lots of new artsyletters items will be coming in the New Year! In the meantime, if you need any "regular" items from my shop, please feel free to use Coupon Code JINGLE10 for 10 percent off this month.  :0)


Anastasia Suen is rounding us all up this week at Small Poems - Thank you, Anastasia!  Join her on a snowy walk down Memory Lane as she recounts the sale of her first poem years ago. 

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Poetry Friday - Haiku for the Birds


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  This past Saturday, I enjoyed attending the "Almost Winter" Open Mic Zoom Event of the Southeast Region of the Haiku Society of America, organized by our fearless leader & poet extraordinaire, Michael Henry Lee.


Our featured speaker was the generous and gifted Antionette ("Toni") Libro, who shared her experiences with internationally known haiku poet Nick Virgilio (1928-1989), considered "a founder of haiku written in the American idiom." (More here.)   Libro invited Virgilio to speak to her classes at Rowan University when she taught there, and she published some of his haiku in Asphodel, the literary journal she founded and edited.


Stanford M. Forrester also shared a short presentation about Jerry Kilbride, including one of his haibun about Virgilio. Forrester founded bottle rockets press 25 years ago and is a former president of the HSA.  


Also at the virtual meeting, winners of our kukai were announced.  A kukai is a contest in which participants submit a poem on a theme, and then all of them judge the submissions (presented anonymously). For our contest, the three haiku receiving the most votes were the winners, with their authors receiving a copy of Nick Virgilio:  A Life in Haiku, edited by Raffael de Gruttola (Turtle Light Press, 2012).


Happy to report that my haiku was one of these three!  The other winners were Terri L. French and Cody Huddleston. Fine company.  The aforementioned theme was "almost winter," and my contribution was a spare one:



almost winter as the crow flies



©Robyn Hood Black


Thank you, HSA SE!


Speaking of birds (and there will likely be a raven post coming soon, after our seeing them on our Blue Ridge Parkway trip), I'm happy to highlight the latest anthology from bottle rockets press, Bird Whistle - A Contemporary Anthology of Bird Haiku, Senryu, & Short Poems, edited by Stanford M Forrester/sekiro and Johnette Downing.  The collection features bird-themed poems by more than 100 poets, including terrific haiku by the two wonderful editors.


The poems in the collection are by turns wistful, profound, surprising and humorous.


One of my favorites was penned by the above-mentioned Michael Henry Lee:



swallow tail kites

making more of the wind

than there is



©Michael Henry Lee



I have some previously published poems included as well:



one blue feather

then another

then the pile



our different truths

the rusty underside

of a bluebird



robin's egg blue

how my father would have loved

my son


©Robyn Hood Black



I have already bought an extra copy of Bird Whistle for someone special on my Christmas list. Maybe you have bird-lovers on your holiday list as well? Here's the link.


If you have a lot of them, I have some bird-y items in my Etsy shop, too! ;0) (Click  here to peruse.)


By the way, I wasn't able to stay for the open mic part of our get-together on Saturday, because we had to get back on the road with our new Keeshond puppy we had just picked up in Georgia that morning (pictured above).  His name is Rookie, but that's another story… ;0)


Flap your way on over to see Karen Edmisten, who is kindly rounding up Poetry Friday this week.  Thanks, Karen!

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Poetry Friday - (September Part 2) - We Did It!


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!


In last week's post, I featured Edgar Guest's "It's September" (which had a fun addendum added later, after my mother saw the post and shared with me her own experience with that poem). I also mentioned that Jeff and I were going to celebrate our engagement on Sunday, exactly 40 years later, by revisiting the place where he proposed.  As Furman students in the South Carolina Upstate, we had hiked up Table Rock, not far from campus and not far from where we moved this year. BIG thanks to everyone who left encouraging words last week for our hike!


Sunday morning, we donned our boots and grabbed our new hiking poles, and off we went! We were hopeful to make it to the top, but the trail is designated as "very strenuous," and I wasn't sure that some past injuries of mine would be keen on such an adventure.  But (drumroll...) - we did it! 


It was a gorgeous day with a bright blue sky and heaps of wildflowers.  We got there early in the morning.  They say to allow three hours up and two down; it's a 7.2 mile round trip.  We took our time and got to the top in four hours, stayed up there an hour enjoying the views (and a bald eagle fly-by), and then took three hours to make our way down. 


Did I mention, "very strenuous"? No way I would have made it without the poles. At the beginning, and at a couple-few points along the way, the trail teases you with regular ground at a gentle slope.  This never lasts long.  Most of the trail is literally huge rock stair steps that have been put on the trail, or carved out of existing rock.  Or, in more than one place, little indentations carved into a rock face, barely larger than an adult-sized foot (sideways).  Then, in other spots, there are just scatterings of rocks and boulders stacked up - and the red painted trail blaze close by on a tree. 


There were a few folks our age and older, with most younger, and, faster.  Most.  A few young ones did struggle in spots! It wasn't as crowded as I thought it might be on the first fall weekend, especially as reviews had mentioned crowds.  Reviews I'd read on the All Trails app ranged from accurate to aspirational to very funny.  One hiker said she experienced all five stages of grief on that hike.  Another said it was just several hours on a stair-climbing machine. 


Anyway, we made it up and down alive and enjoyed the challenge!  Jeff said, "Maybe we should do it every year."  I'm thinking every 40 years sounds good... so, I'll write about it again when we're 100.






     Decades of wear,

     decades of tear,

     but with more than a skip and a hop -

     we dug deep and dug in,

     put in all of our skin,

     and made it somehow to the top.


     Table Rock:

     You want wear and tear?

     Pull up a chair.

     (Though around me, I only saw stone.)

     The Rockies have nothing

     on what I once was.

     Her voice had a wistful tone.

     You talk about years?

     I shed waterfall tears.

     And yet, I still hold my own.


©Robyn Hood Black




We didn't see any bears or rattlesnakes, as had been mentioned in reviews, but one hiker ahead of us had seen a Mama bear and her two cubs, and some other young hikers had seen a rattlesnake. Shortly after we arrived at the top, however, we did see a couple of bald eagles, one flying very close to the few of us gazing at it from the rock outcropping. 




out of the blue

a bald eagle


©Robyn Hood Black


Please visit the one-and-only, creatively adventurous Jama at her Alphabet Soup for this week's Roundup. 

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Poetry Friday - Haiku in Remembrance of a Dog

Victorian Trading Card, The Graphics Fairy. thegraphicsfairy.com


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  Missed you last week as I was visiting my folks in Florida.  It was strange taking walks around their neighborhood without my tiny walking buddy of the past 10 years.  As I write this post on the 14th, it's six months since I had to have our precious 3 1/2-pound rescued Chihuahua, Rita, put down the afternoon before I moved from coastal Beaufort, SC, to join my husband here at our new address in the Upstate. It was a shock to spend much of my last week there in the emergency vet hospital instead of just packing boxes.


We still miss her naps in our laps, her tail-chasing spins of excitment, and the teeny tapping of the tiniest toenails across the floor.  Three friends of mine lost long-time dog companions this summer, and another lost a favored alpaca.  I've seen online that a Poetry Friday friend just lost a treasured family pup, too.  It never gets easier for any of us, does it?


Haiku always offers me a safe and sometimes surprising place to park my grief, explore our connection with the world, and spark memory or wonder.  Here's a haiku I wrote after Rita died, and which was chosen by this year's Haiku Society of America's Members Anthology editor Allyson Whipple for the upcoming 2023 edition.



first day of spring
my dog's ashes
in the mailbox 


©Robyn Hood Black.  All rights reserved. 



The lovely and talented Rose has our Roundup this week at Imagine the Possibilities.  Thanks for hosting, Rose!

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Poetry Friday - What is Hope? (& my Metamorphosis poem)


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  Nope, I can't believe it's already September either... but it was nice to get a peek at the blue moon/super moon to round out August. (It was so cloudy because of the outer storm bands Wednesday night that it took three attempts. Prayers for all those affected by Idalia. My Florida family folks are all okay.)


The next time we'll have that super-blue combo treat, it will be 2037.  Our baby grandson will be old enough to get a learner's permit!


I have hopes for him, and for our world, as we face so many overwhelming challenges.  Hope lifts us up - it's the thing with feathers, as our Emily said a century-and-a-half ago. 


What is Hope? is also the newest title in the ekphrastic anthology series for young readers from Pomelo Books.  Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong have outdone themselves again, offering a collection of 40 poems written in response to photographs, and all sparkling with hope.  There's also a great section in the back with resources for readers, writers, and teachers. As with previous titles, 100 percent of the profits from the sale of the book will be donated to the IBBY Children in Crisis Fund.  (That is hope in action, right there.) 


This book, along with others in the series, sprang forth from an online workshop led by Janet & Sylvia.  I was delighted to participate again in one of these magical gatherings, and I'm honored to have a poem included in the volume, pictured above.  (Sylvia made wonderful 'poem cards'!) The poems were penned by current and previous workshop participants, along with a few guest poets as well. The opening poem, "World," by Syliva, sets a perfect tone for choosing hope when the world offers so many reasons for anger and sadness.  Janet has a very fun poem livening up the middle, "Pickleball."  I really enjoyed this one because I had the good fortune, along with fellow contributor Matthew Winter, to get a personal pickleball lesson from Janet herself, and her quick-on-his-feet and fast-with-a-paddle husband, Glenn.  (That was in July, at the "Think Poetry" & more gathering at Janet's beautiful home in Washington state.  I mentioned this wonderful trip in a blog post here.)


Here's my poem:




     To look at me,

     you might only see

     my long body bunching up.

     Munching leaves.

     Lumbering along a branch,

     earth bound.


     What you don't see

     are my wings.




     They're there.

     Give me a little time.

     A place to spin.

     A thread of hope.



     I will stretch iridescent wings

     and dance in the wandering wind.


     ©Robyn Hood Black.  All rights reserved. 


What is Hope? has just been named a Children's Book Council "Hot Off the Press" Selection for August 2023. (Each month, the CBC highlights new titles identified as great resources for teachers, librarians, booksellers, and parents.  See the whole August list here.)


Hop on over to Pomelo Books to learn more about this hope-full collection here.  You'll find several options for purchase.  Easy-peasey clicks, and you'll be adding to our world's supply of HOPE.


Ramona at Pleasures from the Page is gagthering up all the Poetry Friday goodness this week.  Thanks, Ramona!

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Poetry Friday - Meet Matthew Winter! (& Bailey)


Greetings, Poetry Lovers! It's so much fun to meet in person someone whom you've only seen in a little Zoom square. Especially when they bring their adorable dog along. 


Most of you know Pomelo Books and the power team of Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong.  (If you don't, please visit all the poetry magic here.) And many of you know about the online anthology workshops they've offered the last couple of years.  (Info here.)  Participants in these workshops have had the opportunity to submit poems for a book associated with each one, and now there's a nice collection of these user-friendly ekphrastic anthologies being shared in living rooms and classrooms, gathering a trail of awards as they go.  I've had the privilege of participating in a couple of these and meeting new folks through the Zoom gatherings.  When Janet and Sylvia recently offered a new "Think Poetry" workshop geared toward sharing poetry in schools as well as writing, I jumped on that, too, since I love sharing as much poetry as I can during author visits. 


Janet also graciously offered to host a bonus in-person Think Poetry workshop/gathering for anyone who could get themselves out here to the beautiful coast of Washington state this week.  My hubby graciously offered to give me all his frequent flyer miles. So here I am! Another participant and contributor to these recent anthologies, Matthew Winter, likewise boarded a plane from the East Coast and flew across the country to join in the fun. And, he brought along his adorable flying companion & canine connoisseur of poetry, Bailey.


Matt and I have been staying at the same friendly inn in town and did a little exploring at the small harbor Wednesday before working on some poetry adventures with Janet and Sylvia. It's been a blast!  As an elementary school teacher for 21 years, Matt brings not only his talent as a writer to the table but years of professional experience and expertise with young learners, particularly in the area of reading.  Originally from Maryland, he lives in New York.  


"I love to read and write stories and poems for children," Matt says.  Lucky for us, he's sharing them with the world!  Matt's poems are featured in these Pomelo books:  Things We Feel, Things We Wear, What is a Friend?, and What is Family?  While Matt can rollick and roll with playful poetry, as in his "Apron" poem in Things We Wear, he can also capture emotions more difficult to talk about.  


Here are two wonderful expamples. 





I want to roar and rattle

and get ready for battle.

I'm MAD!


No!  I don't want to talk.

I want to screech and squawk.

I'm MAD!


Breathe in




Count 1, 2, 3 -

just like magic

I'm back to me. 



©Matthew Winter

Things We Feel by Sylvia Vardell & Janet Wong, Pomelo Books, 2022.






In lieu of flowers, please

















And - 


if you can spare - 


maybe a little bit of





for our family




 ©Matthew Winter

What is a Family? by Sylvia Vardell & Janet Wong, Pomelo Books, 2023.



Look for more of Matt's work soon in the next Pomelo Books anthology! And for another great reason to purchase from Pomelo Books, all profits from this recent anthology series are donated to the IBBY Children in Crisis Fund (IBBY.org).  Sylvia is the current president of IBBY (The International Board on Books for Young People), having served this organization for many years.  Founded in 1953 in Zurich, IBBY reaches across the globe to get books in the hands of young people.  The Children in Crisis Fund was set up in 2005 "to help children affected by natural disasters, civil disorder or war. The Fund seeks donations for projects that replace or create libraries/collections of appropriate children's books and provide bibliography, the therapeutic use of books and storytelling."


Many thanks to Matt, and to Sylvia and Janet, for their generosity.


For more terrific poetry, visit the oh-so-talented Marcie Flinchum Atkins for the Roundup!

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