Greetings, Poetry Lovers!
Just a wave this week, as I'm on the way to my annual week of author visits in schools in North Georgia, as part of Cobb EMC & Gas South's Literacy Week. The picture above is from our last time all in-person-like, in 2019. (Some authors have always presented virtually, but most of us travel from school to school.) Last year, it was all virtual - a challenge, but we did it! Though that was interrupted by severe storms which wiped out power across counties for days, so that "week" stretched into November, too.
This year, most of us are in-person, but there are several who will present virtually as well. It's always a blast, and always completely exhausting. I look forward to sharing the poetry love with hundreds of kids. Or more - I'm not even sure of the exact counts this year on my schedule!
In honor of the vital work our energy companies and co-ops do to keep our lights on and our heat going in the winter, here's a poem by Emily Dickinson for the week:
The Poets light but Lamps — (930)
by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
The Poets light but Lamps —
Themselves — go out —
The Wicks they stimulate
If vital Light
Inhere as do the Suns —
Each Age a Lens
Disseminating their
Circumference —
(Remembering two giants of children's literature whose lights now shine through their many works and the people who loved them - Gary Paulson and Jerry Pinkney.)
Here's to letting your own light shine....
There is always something bright and beautiful over at Jama's Alphabet Soup - head over for the Round-up. She & Mr. C. have pretty pumpkin cookies....
(& Let me go ahead and wish you a Happy HALLOWEEEEN - I'll be back in touch after that!)