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Life on the Deckle Edge

Poetry Friday - New Year Poem Postcard Swap; First Couple!


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  One thing I always enjoy about the start of a new year is Jone Rush MacCulloch's New Year Poem Postcard Swap! I'm always inspired by the words and images which grace my mailbox, and I (mostly!) love coming up with something myself to send.  Especially because Jone expands the New Year to include the Chinese New Year, with an invitation to incorporate whatever animal is representing that year.  (This year, it'll be the wood snake, and we have until Jan. 29 to send our poems!  That might also just be Jone's birthday, a little snake told me, a day before my own.)  SO, my poem is written, and that's as far as I've gotten. I plan to get my cards made and out by next week.  


Other members of our community are far more on the ball.  I've already received a couple of wonderful cards (and a third late today, which I haven't had a chance to look at yet.) I'm delighted to share these gems from Linda Mitchell and Tracey Kiff-Judson. I'm constantly amazed by Linda's mixed media creations (as well as her poems - this one begs to be read aloud), and Tracey's bold art is lively and smile-inducing! Plus, her poem is especially delicious.  Enjoy!



Year of the Wood Snake



Wood snake shifting

this year's first breath.

Shimmering mist,

a welcome guest.


Bring no worry

Wood snake shifting.

No more woe, or 

unrhymed poems.


Come now springtime!

Come green new shoots!

Wood snake shifting

'tween forest roots.


Bring gentle words

fresh ideas too

a good year of

wood snake shifting.


©Linda Mitchell




A New Year


Stacked with possibility,

limoncello, pumpkin, cherry

flavor awaits


Which will you choose

Lip-puckering sunshine?

The comfort of warm spice?

A bit of hibiscus passion?


Perhaps a nibble of each...


©Tracey Kiff-Judson



Mmmm.... definitely a nibble of each.  And, yes, come green new shoots!  (January has been frigid, with more arctic blasts on tap for next week.)


Thank you, Linda and Tracey, for these treasures.  Now shift yourself over to see Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect, where you'll find the Roundup.  Thanks, Tricia, for hosting!

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Poetry Friday - Into the LIGHT with Poetry Postcards from Linda M & Mary Lee...


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  I hope you're having a good start to the New Year.  


I was too smothered in holiday Etsy orders to participate in the Winter Poem Swap this year, but I usually can't resist the call of Jone Rush MacCulloch to join in the New Year poem postcard swap. (It's a lovely way to start the year, and there's usually an optional nod to the Lunar New Year, meaning I have a few extra weeks to get my act together....)


What a delight to already receive two postcards from poets way more on the ball than I.  And they both celebrate one of my favorite things:  LIGHT.  (How much am I drawn to light?  I'm probably part moth....)


Linda Mitchell has been busy with her art supplies again, including vibrant stampings/printings on her card, and a gorgeous collaged star ornament.  On the front of the postcard, she included a mesmerizing poem by Sara Teasdale from 1926:



Dark of the Moon


There will be stars over the place forever;

Though the house we loved and the street

we loved are lost,

Every time the earth circles her orbit

On the night the autumn equinox is crossed,

Two stars we knew, poised on the peak of mid-night

Will reach their zenith; stillness will be deep;

There will be stars over the place forever,

There will be stars forever, while we sleep.



And on the back, an original poetic message:


Between joy and sorrow,

all I need to do is look up

to know the stars are above you too.

Remember to look up.

Happy New Year!



And on the handcrafted star, a found/haiku poem also taking its inspiration from Teasdale's (direct quotes, in fact):


stillness will be deep

stars forever while we sleep

circles on the night


©Linda Mitchell


While Linda's gift has me gazing at the mystical and magical night sky, Mary Lee Hahn's beautiful card has me warming myself in the glow of close-by candlelight. (I love the immediacy of the flames and the texture of the bricks in the background of her original photograph on the card's front.)


Mary Lee's poem also takes a haiku turn:


each flame provides light

we illuminate this world

us all - together


©Mary Lee Hahn


Oh, how I hope 2022 can bring the world some much-needed togetherness and warmth for its human inhabitants, guided by starlight and all kinds of light.


For more poetic illumination, head over to Beyond Literacy Week, where Carol has 2022's first Roundup!  Thank you, Carol. 

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Poetry Friday - Some New Year Postcard Poem Swap Arrivals...

Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  I don't know about you, but I'm pretty spent after news events this week.  (And the extremes - Personally, I was elated about the voting efforts of my former fellow Georgians when both Senate run-off races were in the "called" column Wednesday, only to plunge right afterwards into heartsickness about the breach of the Capitol.)


So I have been especially appreciative of the poetic gifts in my mailbox, as part of Jone Rush MacCulloch's annual New Year's Poem Postcard Project. Enjoy the respite of these first three I've received, one by Jone herself (I mentioned her foray into Scottish Gaelic last week), and one from Carol Varsalona, and one from Linda Mitchell. These are SO creative, and each so different. 


Savor Jone's new language skills to accompany her formidable skills behind the camera, and Carol's jaunty imaginative words and her lovely lake image, and Linda's nod to the Chinese New Year - the Year of the Ox, with her artwork featuring a version of Paul Bunyan's "Babe" in art and collaged background words, and her quite original poem on the other side of the bookmark.


Also, you can listen to Jone read her poem in Scottish Gaelic in her post from last week here!


Many thanks, Ladies, for sending much needed light in these days. 




first full moon
makes poetry wishes
happy new year


Poem and Photo ©Jone Rush MacCulloch






upon the lake


silverdrops dance

as a new year arises.

breathe in

winter's freshness.
exhale earth's frostbitten bite.


Poem and Photo ©Carol Varsalona





Year of the Ox


Monday, Ox delivers brush and brooms

to sweep old year away


Tuesday, Ox brings uncles, aunties

hong bao and rice cakes


Wendesday, Ox shies at red banners

good luck poems they swish and sway


Thursday Ox shakes golden bells

hoping kitchen god will stay


Friday Ox easts and rest contentedly

firecrackers pop -


Happy New Year's Day!


Poem and Art ©Linda Mitchell




(PS - My poem postcards are still in the works; waiting on delivery from the printer.);0)


Our amazing Sylvia has the Roundup today over at Poetry for Children.  Don't miss her annual New Year "Sneak Peek" list-- a gathering of all the titles of poetry books, anthologies, and novels in verse expected in 2021!

Wishing you, and all, a peaceful weekend.

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