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Life on the Deckle Edge

Poetry Friday - Year of the Snake


Greetings, Poetry Lovers! Attempting to post from my phone at the airport (super quick trip to see my folks), so, short and sweet. 

Here are my postcards I sent for Jone's fabulous New Year Poem Postcard Swap. 

year of the snake

beware the comfort

of old skin


Robyn Hood Black


I don't even know who is hosting this week, but I'm sure it will be fabulous. I so appreciate this community. 
More soon - boarding is about to start!


xoxo Robyn

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Poetry Friday - Go See Bridget & Discover the 10 10 Anthology!

Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  I am covered up over here this week, but please do pay an aTENtive call to Bridget at wee words for wee ones, and learn all about the hot-off-the-press 10 10 Anthology!  (I'm honored to have a poem in it myself.) :0)

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Poetry Friday - Mooove on along to Kat's!

Greetings! Got myself a bit busy this week, but moooove on along to our wonderful Kat Apel's place, where she's gathering the herd for the Poetry Friday Roundup and sharing her new book! 

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Poetry Friday - a blue haiku


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!


I had something else planned for this week, but, alas - glitches and car issues and such, so it can emerge later.


And speaking of plans yet to come to fruition, I had many more Valentine-y items I was going to make for my artsyletters shop this year, but they'll keep, too.  I did get some new things in the shop and posted on Instagram, including the freshly baked necklace above with vintage letter charms I couldn't resist working with. (Listing coming this eve.)


On a heavier note, I've tuned in to a fair bit of the impeachment trial this week.  I can't imagine the trauma felt by those who were there, as they relive the events of the insurrection and perhaps learn new things themselves about it.  I generally keep politics out of my blog posts, but I do not agree with one my state's (SC) vocal US Senators, who recently stated he is "ready to move on."  Regardless of the trial's outcome, as a country we need to acknowledge what happened, give voice to lives lost and others forever altered, with gratitude for the amazing courage and bravery shown on Jan. 6 by those who faced the mob. Oh, and make the effort to preserve our democratic republic. 


So now that I've changed the tone, I'll share a somber haiku just published in bottle rockets.



one blue feather

then another

then the pile



©Robyn Hood Black.  All rights reserved.

bottle rockets Vol. 22, No. 2 (Issue #44)


I was hoping to make this the year I jumped back into Cornell's Great Backyard Bird Count, but that might have to wait another year, too.  Or maybe I can participate a little bit?!  Anyone can join in and help keep track of our amazing feathered earthly comanions.  (I did learn to identify a new visitor to my new bird feeder this week, using The Cornell Lab's wonderful phone app- a pine warbler!)


Thanks for reading along and making safe spaces for the gamut of human (and bird) experiences.  Be sure to visit the lovely Molly at Nix the Comfort Zone for this week's Roundup. (She happens to include a Mary Oliver poem about one of my favorite birds, the Carolina Wren.)

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Poetry Friday - Hop Over to Jone's!

Greetings, and - Oops!  How'd it get to be February already?  I've been busy with Etsy orders and making a bunch of last-minute Valentine items to list in my Etsy shop this weekend, and Friday has snuck up on me. 


Someone who IS ready for Poetry Friday is Jone MacCulloch, our lovely and talented host for the Roundup.  Enjoy the offerings!  I 'll see you next Friday with a *love*-themed post... ;0)

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Poetry Friday - One More Poem Postcard Share & Haiku Workshop


Greetings, Poetry Lovers! 


First, HUGE Congrats to some of our hometown poetic heroes... Monday was a big awards day in kidlit-land.  THE CAT MAN OF ALEPPO, written by our own Irene Latham & Karim Shamsi-Basha & illustrated by Yuko Shimizu, and published by G.P. Putnam's Sons, was named a Caldecott Honor Book!  And A PLACE AT THE TABLE, by Saadia Faruqi and our own Laura Shovan, published by Clarion Books, was a Sydney Taylor Book Award Notable Book.  CONGRATS, you two, and to all who were recognized across all the categories. 


Speaking of nice surprises, I received another New Year Poem Postcard this week!  Rebecca Herzog sent this energetic collage/haiku combination above.  I was humming along to the excerpted lyrics floating in the art on the front (love those layers!!) before reading her own musical poem on the back. 










Image and poem ©Rebecca Herzog.



Thanks for the uplifting mailbox gift, Becky!


And, speaking of haiku, I'm excited to share that I'll be leading a free online two-part haiku workshop for the Oconee County Arts Foundation (Watkinsville, Georgia) at the end of next month, February 23rd and 25th, from 1-2:30 p.m. each day. It's part of a wonderful month-long program, "Small Works Inspired by Poetry."

Click here for more info, and here for the description and registration page.   The foundation director says local and non-local folks are welcome to register. (These free workshops will not be recorded by OCAF since participants will be potentially on the screen and permissions would be required, etc.)


Now, tap your toes and warm up your voice - our beautiful Jan at Bookseedstudio has the Roundup today on a theme that Becky's poem and art complement perfectly! 

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Poetry Friday - Two more Poem Postcards celebrating all things NEW!


Greetings, Poetry Lovers!


Two more New Year Poem Postcard swap goodies came my way this week.  These haiku are a PERFECT way to express and celebrate our country's turning the page to a new chapter this week.


First up, Margaret gifted the beyond-glorious photo of a blue heron in flight, with these words:



On wingbeats of blue

heron rises unstatued

heralding the new


Image and poem ©Margaret Simon


Heralding the new, indeed! 


And then came Mary Lee's wonderful offering.  I have to add that it was postmarked the day after Christmas, and it JUST got to my mailbox on Thursday.  [I'd say I can't believe it took that long, but after many headaches worrying about Etsy orders getting to recipients on time in December (a few just plain didn't), I do believe it.  The USPS was stretched far too thin.  Here's hoping we all might be finished with quarantining and such by the time the holidays arrive THIS year.]


Mary Lee's words were worth the wait, and just right for this week in history:



recently minted

shiny coin of here and now

ready to be spent 


(and who doesn't live Rembrandt?!)


Image and poem ©Mary Lee Hahn



For more of Margaret's writing, click here; for more of Mary Lee's writing, click here; and to learn more about the creative pursuits of Jone Rush MacCulloch, who dreamed up the New Year's Postcard exchange, click here


Thanks to each of these amazing women.


By the way, I noticed Margaret added a handwritten note to her card, and Mary Lee's poem was handwritten, as was the poem I sent out on my cards this month. Did you know tomorrow, Jan. 23, is National Handwriting Day?  I'll be celebrating at artsyletters with earrings featuring sterling silver fountain pen charms that I fell in love with.  I made a pair to 'test drive' and have been wearing them all week. (Also, earrings with vintage pen nibs coming soon....) ;0)


Tomorrow is also the birthday of an amazing teacher who regularly brings poetry to life in the classroom - my daughter, Morgan!  Happy Birthday to our Super Hero!


Now, one more click to check out this week's Roundup - you'll find it at Laura Shovan's place, where there is always something new and wonderful going on. 

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Poetry Friday - Happy New Year! And, Auld Lang Syne...


and... WHEW - We MADE it!  

I've been ever so grateful for the Poetry Friday community during such a tumultuous year, and I look forward to what 2021 might bring. 


At the risk of "DUH - that's a cliche," the phrase that's been playing in my mind since our ritual family Christmas Eve viewing of It's a Wonderful Life has been the proverbial "cup of kindness."  We all need to raise each other's spirits, whether we're raising alcholic spirits or not.  So, my obvious poem choice today would be the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne.


You'll remember these late 18th-Century lines are attrributed to Robert Burns, Scotland's National Poet.  You can read about previous similar lines/themes/influences in this Encyclopedia Brittanica article. Did Rabbie Burns actually pen them, and exactly thus?  Not totally sure.  But they're always worth bringing out into the twinkling lights, to wrap ourselves up in like a new holiday robe:



Auld Lang Syne


Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

And surely you'll buy your pint cup!
And surely I'll buy mine!
And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

We two have run about the slopes,
And picked the daisies fine;
But we've wandered many a weary foot,
Since auld lang syne.

We two have paddled in the stream,
From morning sun till dine;
But seas between us broad have roared
Since auld lang syne.

And there's a hand my trusty friend!
And give me a hand o' thine!
And we'll take a right good-will draught,
For auld lang syne.



CHEERS to you and yours.  Or as we learned to say in Scotland, Slàinte mhath (Pronounced slan-ge-var - here's a fun link with some background on meanings & pronunciation & such. OR - just ask Jone MacCulloch, who has had to postpone her trip to Scotland but, when she does go, will be armed with all the lovely Scottish Gaelic she's been learning!) 


Warmest wishes all around, and here's to brighter days.  Our wonderful Ruth has the Roundup today at There is No Such Thing as a Godforsaken Town.  Thanks, Ruth!

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(Ditto Last Week) - Poetry Friday - Go See Buffy!

Greetings, Poetry Lovers!  Yep, those elves are not letting up...!  I didn't scare up a post this week, but the fabulous Buffy Silverman is hosting the Roundup, and she's got a great behind-the-scenes look at HOP TO IT with a Q&A with Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong!

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Poetry Friday - Go See Mary Lee!

Greetings, Poetry Lovers!

Well, the Elves have me working round the clock these days, and then some.  (Thanks for all the artsyletters love!)  So I'm just waving you along this week to our host, who is the host of all hosts keeping Poetry Friday flowing, Mary Lee at A Year of Reading. 

She's got the Roundup, AND a peek at the newest amazing project from Irene Latham, illustrated by Jaimie Green. Enjoy!

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