Today's post is short, but big on color and creativity.
Many of you know that each year for National Poetry Month, our own tireless and terrific Jone Rush MacCulloch, a librarian in Washington State at Silver Star Elementary, puts together a Poem Postcard project. Students write and illustrate poems, which are sent out to lucky recipients (like me!) just for the asking in April.
I'm delighted to share the one I received this year, showcasing the talent of fourth grader L. G.:
  Amazing American Eel
I am as stealthy as a jar of cough syrup
sleek, slimy, and skinny,
I hope you're not hungry,
  because I am served as a delicacy
in some parts of the world.
Anguilla rostrata.
L. G.
Grade 4
Thanks for sharing, L. G.! ("Stealthy as a jar of cough syrup" - Ha!)
That eel would be safe in our house, since we're vegetarian. But maybe not safe from the big cat....
For more terrific student poetry from Silver Star, click here, and then scroll through April's posts.
For more delightful poetry of all kinds today, swim on over to A Teaching Life, where busy teacher Tara has the Roundup.