I’m lucky to be in a critique group with Vicky and happy to help celebrate. Hence my rather long-ish book spine poem in honor of Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Cleopatra VII and Marc Antony. Caveat: I’m purchasing my book this evening and haven’t read it yet – so I hope my “poem,” scoured after bedtime from bookshelves upstairs and down, is somewhat on target! (Well, books and one DVD case.)
Congratulations to Vicky, whose novel is raking in rave reviews.
Here’s my poetic take on the story, if the titles aren’t clear in the picture:
Cleopatra Rules!
Golden Legacy
Between Parent and Child
Born Free
Girl in a Cage
Another Country
Out of the Depths
New Moon –
Girl in the Mirror
Who Does She Think She Is?
For the Poetry Friday Roundup, start off the new school year with Libby at A Year of Literacy Coaching.