When I think of the little wren family, or other wild guests in my own back yard, I think of the talented and wonderful Andy Runton. Do you know him?
He's the creator of the OWLY series of graphic novels, and he watches birds, rabbits, butterflies - you name it! - right here in Georgia. In fact, the characters in his wordless stories are all critters you could find in just about any Georgia back yard!
His books have fans of all ages, from pre-reading kids to more than a few adults. Teachers enjoy using Andy's books in the classroom; they appeal to any child who is learning about friendship (grown-ups, too!) and can be particularly helpful for students struggling with the written word or learning a new language.
The stories are deceptively simple - the same attention Andy employs to describe in vivid detail the hummingbird which just flew by he uses to examine relationships. Sometimes things get broken in Owly's world, or misunderstandings happen or feelings get hurt. But then things get mended - feelings are understood and respected - and friendships blossom.
You would imagine a guy who gave up success in the corporate world to follow his artistic dreams - promoting kindness through the lively drawings and stories of his wonderful characters - would be special. He is, and I'm proud to know him. (Oh - and he happens to have won an Eisner Award among other honors, and his characters grace a recent American Library Association READ poster!) Learn more about Andy and Owly at: http://www.andyrunton.com/ photo at left
He's the creator of the OWLY series of graphic novels, and he watches birds, rabbits, butterflies - you name it! - right here in Georgia. In fact, the characters in his wordless stories are all critters you could find in just about any Georgia back yard!
His books have fans of all ages, from pre-reading kids to more than a few adults. Teachers enjoy using Andy's books in the classroom; they appeal to any child who is learning about friendship (grown-ups, too!) and can be particularly helpful for students struggling with the written word or learning a new language.
The stories are deceptively simple - the same attention Andy employs to describe in vivid detail the hummingbird which just flew by he uses to examine relationships. Sometimes things get broken in Owly's world, or misunderstandings happen or feelings get hurt. But then things get mended - feelings are understood and respected - and friendships blossom.
You would imagine a guy who gave up success in the corporate world to follow his artistic dreams - promoting kindness through the lively drawings and stories of his wonderful characters - would be special. He is, and I'm proud to know him. (Oh - and he happens to have won an Eisner Award among other honors, and his characters grace a recent American Library Association READ poster!) Learn more about Andy and Owly at: http://www.andyrunton.com/ photo at left