Greetings, Poetry Lovers!
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Haiku Society of America, the HSA Southeast Region has published an anthology of haiku, senryu, and haibun by members. Editors for the project were Regional Coordinator Michael Henry Lee, along with Terri L. French and David Oates.
The collection is titled Biscuit Crumbs, taken from this wonderful poem by our fearless leader:
biscuit crumbs
making a memory
from scratch
©Michael Henry Lee. All rights reserved. Used with permission. (Thanks, Michael!)
All the works in the collection are infused with a distinctive Southern flavor.
Here are the haiku by yours truly that were selected. The first is previously unpublished, and the other two appeared in issues of Acorn.
in brown and green
the story changes...
home again
twists and turns
of the live oak
Acorn, Spring 2012
outgoing tide
the losses I keep
to myself
Acorn, Fall 2015
Acorn is one of my favorite journals. Here is a poem of mine in the current issue:
winter's end
clusters of blossoms
on the half-dead tree
Acorn, # 40, Spring 2018
poems ©Robyn Hood Black. All rights reserved.
Many thanks to Michael, David, and Terri for their hard work in putting together this anthology. I'll enjoy dipping into it again and again, and it doesn't come with calories like real biscuits do!
Speaking of Southern flavor, saunter on over to Reflections on the Teche, where our beautiful Margaret is sippin' Luzianne iced tea out on the bayou, collectin' all our poems this week....
Wishing everyone a good and safe Memorial Day weekend. Special gratitude for all who serve in our military, and prayers for any military family touched by loss.